- Do not overfill the washing machine, clothes must be able to move and tumble inside the drum during washing.
- Never put fabric softener in the machine as it will partially neutralize the effect of the detergent.
- Pay attention to the instructions on the labels of your garments in terms of temperatures and others, including drying.
-Try not to mix dark colors with light clothes as you run the risk of staining it.
- If you need to put a degreaser (kh7 type) On stains, our advice is to do it at home since the product needs 15 a 20 minutes to be effective.
- Our products are perfectly respectful of down garments.
- Load the washing machine in a balanced way to avoid the physical impossibility of spinning.
- Make sure that you can dry your clothes in the dryer and do not put clothes with plastic or rubber in them, such as mattress protectors, since the 90% they don't support that process.
- Do not put bleach or chlorinated products as they cannot mix with the oxygen that we include in the wash.
- If you have any more questions you can ask your grandmother or call us by phone.